Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My Reading List (in no particular order for now)
-Natural Capitalism by Paul Hawken
-Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air by David MacKay (ONLINE)
-Break Through by Michael Shellenberger & Ted Nordhaus
-Strategy for Sustainability: A Business Manifesto by Adam Werbach
-Hacia una gestion integral del agua en Mexico de Cecilia Tortajada
-Blowback Trilogy by Chalmers Johnson
-Brittle Power by Amory Lovins
-Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development by Herman Daly

I'm getting back into the groove of reading...I think for now, to keep getting motivated to do reviews is to read more nonfiction books, instead of fiction. I enjoy reading fiction, don't get me wrong, but literary analysis is not really my thing because I feel ultimately that it's kind of a waste of time. What I usually get out of fiction is enjoying myself in a different place, immersing myself in the writer's style, picking up some expressive thoughts, and just getting a better understanding of the human experience. But I don't really want to pick apart how the book was put together, like character development and plot angles...I want to pick apart arguments and read thought-provoking stuff, as well as acquire more knowledge of my interests.

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